10 Ways Technology Ruins the Sneakerhead Experience

Has the Internet made buying sneakers better?

10 Ways Technology Ruins the Sneakerhead Experience

10 Ways Technology Ruins the Sneakerhead Experience

10 Ways Technology Ruins the Sneakerhead Experience

You're reading this on the Internet right now, and going online is probably a part of your daily routine. If you're like us, you're on social media all day. You're most likely looking at sneakers or trying to buy them as we speak. (Don't worry, a restock isn't happening right now). 

Thanks to the 'Net, we're able to get anything we want almost instantly. It's birthed a whole new legion of sneakerheads, but it's almost made things worse in certain aspects. With this new technology, there are new problems that arise, too. Bots, hackers, and things selling out within seconds are just a few of them, but there are bigger issues on the rise. To find out what they are check out 10 Ways Technology Ruins the Sneakerhead Experience.

Everyone can be a reseller.

Regional sneaker releases hardly happen anymore.

Every sneaker has 15,000 previews.

It's hard to decide what you really like.

It makes it easier to get tired of sneakers

If you don't have social media, good luck getting your sneakers

If something doesn't sell out instantly, it's a "failure."

You're forced to buy a bot because of hackers.

Leaks aren't as cool as you'd think.

Going to an actual sneaker store doesn't feel as special.

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