Dear Content Hungry Journalists: Stop Asking Talib Kweli All The Same Damn Questions (Video)

In the mad dash to create content, we all go for the same headlines.

Talib Kweli has been in the games for years, but it's made him an animal made him media savvy. 

Though Kweli told us he's considered stopping doing interviews altogether (a sentiment echoed by other rappers like Drake) the always eloquent rapper clearly understands the media landscape of 2014. He knows why people ask those questions and how those headlines are "easy hits for your blog."

We sat down with Kweli at SXSW to discuss the problem of him becoming rap's go-to Macklemore apologist and our conversation quickly turned into something more. The Brooklyn rapper talked about having to sit back through the years as one journalist after another lobbed him questions about whatever the hot topic of the day was; Jay Z shouting him out on "Moment of Clarity," his friend Kanye West blowing up, and now, Macklemore sweeping the Grammys.

So, do yourself a favor and read this insightful interview we did with Kweli last year that's mentioned in the video. Not just because it didn't do many hits when we posted it, but because it's an actual thoughtful discussion about an important topic. Not just hits for our blog. 

RELATED: Talib Kweli Defends Macklemore's Grammy Text Message to Kendrick Lamar and Talks Cultural Appropriation on MSNBC
RELATED: Interview: Talib Kweli Talks About the Dangers of Subscribing to Conspiracy Theories 

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