Mexican Lawyer Trademarks Trump-Branded Toilet Paper

Exploitation of a legal loophole helped Antonio Battaglia troll Donald Trump by putting his trademarked image on toilet paper.

During his 2015 Presidential Campaign run, Donald Trump made it rather clear how he felt about Mexico.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” Trump said, during a speech announcing his intent to run for President. “They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Trump went on to sign an executive order to build a “great wall” separating the southern United States and Mexico and have Mexico fund the wall.

Those statements weren’t lost on corporate lawyer Antonio Battaglia. After Trump won the November 2016 election, Battaglia flipped the #LimpiateConTrump hashtag (which loosely translates in English to "clean yourself with Trump") into a legitimate business idea. For Battaglia, they key to his strategy was Trump neglecting to apply his trademark to hygienic products, despite having the trademark apply to ventures such as Trump Steaks, Trump Ice Water and Trump Vodka.

“Once he won, we had to stop the fun approach and focus seriously on developing a product not based on a mockery but based on a response to an insult, based on helping migrants,” Battaglia told Newsweek

The actual paper product is reportedly in the start-up stages, with Battaglia accepting additional capital funding. Production is scheduled to begin soon with limited amounts of the paper on shelves by the end of 2018. A portion of proceeds is expected to help aid migrant workers.

As for Trump’s proposed wall, a March report by Maria Sacchetti of the Washington Post identified the language in Trump’s budget proposal calling for $2.6 billion in U.S. funds to begin the initial stages of constructing the wall. 

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