Bill O'Reilly Finally Gets It Right, and Twitter Reacts

Bill O'Reilly finally gets it right about race, and Twitter users can't believe it.

.@oreillyfactor: “The left wants power taken away from the white establishment and they want a profound change in the way America is run.”

— Fox News (@FoxNews) December 21, 2016

Bill O'Reilly is known for a lot of things, such as apologizing for slavery, blaming everything on rap, and denying racism exists. But for all his notoriety, he is not often accused of characterizing the political left with dead-on accuracy. However, on Tuesday night's episode of his show The O'Reilly Factor, the commentator nailed it for once.

In a segment discussing the Electoral College, the TV host said that the "hidden reason" people wanted to get rid of the institution is to minimize the influence of white, working-class men. [That's not the accurate part.]

"Neutralizing the largely white rural areas in the Midwest and South will assure liberal politicians get power and keep it," he said, adding that it was "all about race."    

Then O'Reilly got to the heart of the matter:

"Very few commentators will tell you that the heart of liberalism in America today is based on race... It permeates almost every issue: that white men have set up a system of oppression. That system must be destroyed... The left wants power taken away from the white establishment. They want a profound change in the way America is run."

It was those last two sentences, later tweeted out by Fox News, that had lefties in shock. Bill O'Reilly was characterizing them...accurately? 

Damn, that's exactly what we want. I agree with Bill O'Reilly on something?

— pjhaveri (@pjhaveri) December 21, 2016

Bill O'Reilly said something...true? I'ma need that weather report from Hell ASAP, Sharon.

— D. Oney (@yenOsinneD) December 21, 2016

Huh. First time I've agreed with O'Reilly on anything.

— NewWorldinOurHearts (@annares) December 21, 2016

As a person on the left I surprisingly agree with this statement on the O'Reilly show

— Jobu Tupaki Shakur (@0ladip0) December 21, 2016

Ummmm, yeah. Exactly.

Wait, do I agree with Bill O'Reilly?


— Kaeleigh (@kaefair) December 21, 2016

I think this might be the first ever Bill O'Reilly statement that absolutely everyone will agree with.

— William Morris (@DMRMorris) December 21, 2016

Even notable activists and journalists were on board:

the white establishment.

— deray (@deray) December 21, 2016


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